Using a standard 52-card deck of cards, poker is played with 5-7 players. The aim is to get the highest hand. You can do this by wagering until all but one of your opponents fold.
In addition to betting, players are allowed to check, raise, or fold. A player may also discard his cards to improve his hand.
In some variants, players are allowed to use specific wild cards. These cards may supplement any other card. Some games are even played with multiple decks.
A poker hand is a combination of five cards. The best hand is a straight flush. It is comprised of five cards of the same suit.
A straight flush can be high or low. In a tie, the higher card wins. A straight flush is often referred to as the Royal Flush.
A fours of a kind is not as obvious as a pair of kings or a straight. You can’t expect to get five of a kind with a pair of kings.
There are also several poker variants with differing rules. For example, some games have a small blind and big blind. Depending on the game, a player may have to pay an ante before he is allowed to take a turn. The ante is usually about $1 or $5.
The most important poker rule is to read your opponents’ cards. You can’t force them to play more, but you can tell them the odds of their hand.