Poker is a card game played by two or more players. Each player has “chips” (money to bet with) that he or she puts into the center of the table after the deal. A player aims to make the best five card hand from his or her own two cards and the community cards. The highest hand wins the pot, or all the bets placed so far. The game usually involves a standard 52 card deck with four suits: spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. Some games also include jokers or other wild cards.
When betting comes around to you, you can say “I open” if you want to raise the bet. You can also say “I call” if you have a good hand. You may also choose to discard your hand and draw a new one (“River”). The dealer then shuffles the discarded cards and adds them to the bottom of the draw stack.
The story of Poker is all about the people in it, their reactions and the by-play between them. Focus your attention on these aspects of the story to ensure that your article is interesting to millions of readers. Personal anecdotes and details of the other players’ behavior are especially appealing to readers. In addition, try to get into the minds of the other players as you write about them — how would they react in the situations you describe? This kind of analysis will help you develop instincts that will be useful in future hands.